Shots by Miko Classes

Shots by Miko class offerings vary. Smaller groups can mix & match.  Larger groups get our Corporate Masterclass with fully shipped kits included. Choose the best one to accomplish your beverage option goal(s).

There are Options

It takes more than a recipe to make a great drink. Merely using the right ingredients won’t guarantee the desired taste. The secret is definitely in the prep! The work put into preparing a drink is just as important as its ingredients. It’s what determines if your creation will be exceptional or not.

We now have two service options that allow the comradery, education and enjoyment to be felt coast to coast.

Shots by Miko classes for smaller groups range from SbM 101 & more.

Our Corporate Masterclass is for larger groups and have other perks that make it so everyone is involved.

Ready to find out more?

Request a free quote!